The following games are back in stock now:

- Azul
- Cards Against Humanity UK
- Ca$h n Guns
- Catan
- Catan 5-6 player extension
- Citadels
- Codenames: Duet
- Concept
- Dead of Winter
- Dixit
- Dixit 8: Journeys exp
- Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook
- Dungeons & Dragons RPG Starter Set
- Elder Sign
- Fire Dragon
- Flash Point Fire Rescue
- Fluxx 5.0
- Gloom Card Game
- Hanabi
- Monopoly Classic
- Mysterium
- Pandemic Legacy - Season 1 (Blue)
- Retro Risk
- Rhino Hero - Super Battle
- Robo Rally
- Shadows Over Camelot
- Sheriff of Nottingham
- Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective
- Takenoko
- Ticket to Ride Europe
- Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails
- Ultimate Werewolf